Dana Schwiethale
Director of Loving Choices
Everyone loves an encouraging word, but some of our clients don't have anyone speaking encouraging words in their lives. They would cherish someone speaking encouraging words of hope and love to them. Thank you for taking a moment to do just that.
Rhonda Graham
Director of Informed Choices
We are truly humbled by your desire to bless those choosing life in a crisis pregnancy. Your letters and kind words will make a difference in the lives of these women. Our staff is truly grateful for your love for women and the unborn.
Wendy DeFoe
Director of Choices Pregnancy Services
Proverbs 18:21 reminds us that 'The tongue has the power of life and death...' Many young women have never experienced life giving words, especially when she has made the decision to parent in a world that pressures to abort. Your encouraging words to our clients are truly life-giving, life-changing, life-affirming words; and they are priceless. Thank you so much.
1. Write It
Write a letter of encouragement, kindness, and support to a courageous young woman receiving assistance from one our local pregnancy centers. You may choose to thank her for her decision to choose life, give her assurance of God's love and providential care, let her know that you will remember her in your prayers or write your own words of encouragement.
2. Address It
Due to confidentiality, the names of the young mothers will not be provided. Please address your general letter of kindness to one of the pregnancy centers listed below.
3. Mail It
Stamp and mail your letter! Your words may be the light a young mother needs during her crisis pregnancy.
Choices Pregnancy Services
ATTN: Wendy DeFoe, Director
809 S Mt Olive St
Siloam Springs, AR 72761
Informed Choices
ATTN: Rhonda Graham, Director
715 W Sherman
Harrison, AR 72601
Loving Choices
ATTN: Dana Schwiethale, Director
3610 W Southern Hills Blvd
Rogers, AR 72758
Loving Choices
ATTN: Dana Schwiethale, Director
275 S Duncan Ave
Fayetteville, AR 72701