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     To remember and honor those who were aborted since the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion, there will be a Procession of Roses on Saturday, January 15th 2022 from 7-8pm.


The Pastor will announce, "1973."   A bell will toll.  Then, one person born in 1973 will walk to the altar and place a white rose (symbol of innocence and purity), in a vase and stand at the altar.  The overhead screen will display the number of abortions in 1973.   The pastor then announces, "1974."  A bell will toll.  Then, one person born in 1974 walks to the altar, places their rose and the overhead displays the number of abortions in 1974.  This continues up to the year 2021 with a pregnant woman representing the babies who will be aborted this year.  At the end, there will be 48 people standing at the altar, each representing over 900,000 people aborted in the year of their birth.

    This solemn ceremony dramatizes the tragedy of an almost incomprehensible number of people who have been lost.  The number of abortions cannot - must not - be a number.  They are individuals who God knows by name. We will do our best to remember and honor them. 

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